Collect Experiences. Not Things. :')

December 31, 2004

Goodbye to 1455 Swann St.

I’ve uploaded these pictures to become better acquainted with the mechanics of the website. Obviously, I don’t have any trip pictures yet, but I needed the practice. A secondary motive for posting the pictures, is it to show-off my house renovations. The renovations took about three years. It was a slow process, much slower than I originally expected. The original plan was to complete the renovations in six months myself (yeah, right). Let me just say, after year number two rolled by, I hired a general contractor. Nevertheless, even after all the effort that went into the renovations, I’m kind of glad to have sold it; the time consumption was a bit much for me, plus I made a nice profit. Now I’m officially a “nomad”. That is a “nomad” with a self storage unit in N.J. My plans are to travel for nine months and then move to the New York City area when I return in December 2005.

View from Swann St.


Anonymous said...

The pictures are gorgeous. I'll miss this house!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful house! I can't believe you sold it!!!

Anonymous said...

I'm going to miss this house too - I'm glad it all worked out for you!