Collect Experiences. Not Things. :')

August 27, 2005

Five Rough Camps - China

Leaving Dali, heading south through southwestern China, we were scheduled to camp for 5 nights back to back. Two of the nights we camped near the Stone Forest, a national park. The next night, the third night, we were unable to find a rough camp; the land was too intensively populated with agriculture. Alternatively, we found a "truck stop" which offered very basic lodging. The following night we found a rock quarry in which to camp and due to the lack of opening ground in which to camp. The fifth night we found a vacant lot in a cemetery, however, once we set-up camp it began rain - its monsoon season (see pictures above). The rain didn't last long but it certainly poured. Finding places to camp and staying dry while camping in China was always an issue. These five nights of back to back camping were probablly the most arduous of the trip, with the exception of Tibet, where the cold weather and altitude were affecting factors.

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