Collect Experiences. Not Things. :')

November 04, 2005

Cattle Station – Rockhampton, Australia

Heading south towards Fraser Island, we stayed at a working cattle ranch. The cattle station was a pleasant break from camp grounds; however, the activities on the cattle station were very touristy. Touristy activities seemed to be a common throughout Australia. They seemed to be created with the sole objective to provide the tourist with "something to do" and absorb the tourist dollar without regard to their authenticity.

Our tour leader said the Australia's tourism trade grew rapidly after the release of the movie "Crocodile Dundee", but has been redirected to New Zealand after the release of "The Lord of the Ring" Trilogy. My suggestion to folks planning to visit Australia is to redirect your vacation plans to New Zealand. Just kidding, but I would suggest to those people visiting Australia to avoid anything that even appears the slightly bit touristy, because it is.

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