Collect Experiences. Not Things. :')

September 17, 2006

Great Allegheny Passage and C & O Canal Trail

The last three days we were scheduled to cycled on the Great Allegheny Passage, which is an abandon railroad tracks from West Newton PA (near Pittsburg) to Cumberland PA and then continued on the C & O Canal Trail that lead directly into Georgetown, DC. After the first night of camping, I decided to skip the "rest day" which was the following day, and continue cycling by myself to DC. I camped each night on the banks of the Potomac river. When I arrived in DC, I was in desperate need of a shower. Not having showered for three days. The Passage and Trail were really nice, surrounded by vegtation, no traffic, and level (no hills), albeit it was a bit bumpy. The surface was crushed limestone, not pavement. My butt and hands were sore. I saw my first leaves changing colors, and could smell fall in the air.

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