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March 12, 2008

My $ Vote for JJ

I just purchased the new Janet Jackson “Feedback” at MP3 convenience store (a.k.a. iTunes). And it wasn’t a drunken impulse, unlike most of my other iTunes purchases. I actually gave it a bit of thought, especially since I'm not a huge Janet Jackson fan. Then again, there aren’t many people who can whisper through an entire album and still be a superstar.

Anyway, I always felt a little bad for her and the whole Super Bowl wardrobe malfunction fiasco a few years back. I think 2004 to be exact. The media portrayed her as a publicity seeking, “has-been" superstar looking to jumpstart her waning career. JT, her culprit in the fiasco, distance himself like the plague and left her hanging. But the bottom line was it just wasn’t a big deal. Repressed America needs to see a little stylish boobie every once in a while.

What I also admire about JJ is that gives back to her peeps, especially her dancers, hence the PSA below. She doesn’t have to do that. Anyway she got my minuscule $9.99 vote. Here’s to the album remaining at #1 on Billboard for a few more weeks.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...