Collect Experiences. Not Things. :')

April 12, 2008

The Great Forgetting

I'm starting to relate to this NYT article: "The Great Forgetting"


1) I asked a friend, if I attended a mutual friend's wedding. It turns out, I did. Granted it was fifteen years ago, but still.
2) Found a head of lettuce in the freezer. No clue how it got there.
3) Went to the gym, pulled down my sweats (I get changed at home, the gym is only a few blocks away), only to realized I didn't have gym shorts on.

Also, instead of writing notes or lists, which I loose or forget where I put them, I just place things in the walk path so I remember.

On this particular day, I needed to return mail Netflix DVDs, and buy Woolite and toothpaste.


Mike said...

When I do forget, about an hour later I get the reminder....

Cooper said...

I do that, too ... only I usually place them on the passenger seat of my truck. The other day there was an empty bottle of baby shampoo sitting there awaiting my 'aha' moment when I finished work.

I love your blog header, by the way. I wish I knew how to do something like that on mine.

Mike said...


I'm sure you can do something even better on your header!!! Just go the the page layout and upload your favorite image. I really think mine is too large. I believe they're suppose to be about an inch in height, but I tried trimming down the photo pictured, and after may tries, none of which I liked, I decided to just to leave the entire photo.

And thanks for the compliments on the blog. I read yours almost daily.
