Collect Experiences. Not Things. :')

May 09, 2008

Getting Lazy

I caught myself feeling really put out this morning at the though of having to walk to the mailbox to return my Netflix rental. The mailbox is only a half of block away from my house. I can and often walk to it in my slippers. But still I wish the DVD could get there some other way.

I know I really should be appreciative that I'm able to select movies on online and the DVDs mailed to my home, but I'm not. But I am glad that I don't have to drive to a DVD rental store.

I can't wait until ALL movies are available online. No more waiting for the envelopes to arrive, removing the DVD, watching the, and putting them back in the envelope and mailing em.

Once all movies are online, I'll never have to leave my computer!! Glory days!!! As I see it, soon (if not almost already) no more CDs, DVDs, books, or non-digital photos!!! They'll all be obsolete. The computer seems to be consuming everything these days. I'm glad. I hate clutter.

I finding myself in front of the computer more and more anyway and I don't mind it. During writing breaks, I started watching Hulu. The site is fairly random and free except for brief (their words, not mine) commercials. But that's why sitcoms were invented anyway, as filler between the commercials. And I don't subscribe to cable, so it not a bad site to view sitcom reruns.

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