Collect Experiences. Not Things. :')

August 29, 2008

Oh, My God, McCain just blew it!

Why did he just pick this lady from Alaska?

McCain's only offensive against Obama was that Obama is young and has little experience. If McCain's campaign was going for that angle, why did he pick this lady? She is young and has less experience.

McCain is old. He might die in office. He should have at least picked someone who has at least SOME national security experience. I'm sure this lady (can remember her name) doesn't even know where many of the countries "that are suppose to be America's enemy" even exist. I

McCain's just showed his age. Something is not functioning correctly.

It seems like McCain went for the "gimmick" to steal the limelight away from Barack after a very successful democratic convention.

Obama will be the next POTUS! Without a doubt. (I'm always amused I can write such a statements, even though I don't have a clue).

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