Collect Experiences. Not Things. :')

September 28, 2008

Internet = Truth

It comes back to my ubiquitous question of what is the truth anymore. Prior to the internet we used the encyclopedia to research topics. Encyclopedias are generally the consensus of some nationally recognized group of intellectuals. Today with the internet, anybody can write anything and post it. It doesn't matter if it's not factually true or not.

It also makes me wonder if the encyclopedia was all that truthful either, or did they represent the leading political sentiment's version of the truth. For example, what I learned after traveling with so many Brits over the past couple of years on my "Overland Trips", is that if you ask a Brit, they will tell you, Britain won the war and America showed up - for all intents and purposes - after the war was already won. This in great contrast to what I was taught in H.S. that America won the war. Was my H.S. history teacher lying to me?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Who really created 911?

Same People.

Load up, the DOG is dead!