Collect Experiences. Not Things. :')

January 01, 2009

Former Bankers Turn to a Creative Plan B

(Via NYTimes)
With Wall Street hemorrhaging jobs, bonuses disappearing and the financial sector going through a seismic shift, some bankers and lawyers are switching lanes to more creative career paths. They are putting down their Wall Street Journals and picking up Variety as they try their hands at comedy, filmmaking and writing.
It appears, I'm not the only one, but FOR THE RECORD, I started down the path in 2005. Thank you.


Anonymous said...

Yes you did! That's because you are not greedy. I, on the other hand, am still in this business. Did you look at that screenplay I gave you last weekend yet? I have some poetry I am working on too. I never realized that film class we took together in 1985 at Rutgers would end up being my most important career building class!

Mike said...

The film class where we brought beers to the film viewings?