Collect Experiences. Not Things. :')

February 08, 2009

Pre-Grammy Fab

I saw this post on and this feeling of so much talent being in one room, standing next to each other, and rehearsing together just....I don't know, kinda overwhelmed me.
The folks over at ONTD caught Lil Wayne, M.I.A., Jay-Z, T.I., and Kanye rehearsing a Grammy performance for “Swagga Like Us”. Apparently it was supposed to be a “surprise”. Oh wells…cat’s out the bag now. By the way, tomorrow night is M.I.A.’s due date. Hope she doesn’t go into labor on stage…
But not even for this performance can entice me to watch the Grammies . Not in the age of YouTube. Why waste two and a half hours of your life watching a boring awards show, when you can limited the wasted life window to 5 minutes the next day?

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