Collect Experiences. Not Things. :')

February 26, 2009

Rosie Goes Dry

Rosie O'Donnell goes dry: "I stopped drinking on Dec. 1. On Nov. 29, I was with my son, who is now 13, and I said to him, 'Park, can you get me a beer?' And he said, 'No I don't want to,' " she says. "And I said, 'Really why not?' And he says, 'Because you know what, I think you drink too much beer ... Lately I think it's too much.'... He says, 'There's a drunk club, I forget what it's called, but you have to like be really drunk to get in, I don't know if they'd let you in, but you could ask them for tips.'"
Those darn kids! They can't even get a beer anymore without mouthing off!


Anonymous said...

Hi Michael,
What do you think about Rosie going on Howard Stern? I think it is a riot and was a great interview. And damn her kid, how dare he "mouth off"! Just kiddin!

Cousin Sandra

Mike said...

Haven't listened to Howard in years. I was a huge fan of his back in 1985, when he was on AM radio, and then switched over to Krock. But after that I lost track of him, mostly because I lived upstate and then in DC.

And to be honest, I didn't realize people still listen to radio. Interesting...