Collect Experiences. Not Things. :')

March 06, 2009

"Audacity" of Hope

I found paragraph on a website I frequently read.
"I have always been a strong advocate of willing your desires into existence. Many of my successes in life have begun with an element of arrogance — or “audacity,” as some would put it — which I carried with me into tasks I was entirely unqualified to undertake, but that I completed with bravado regardless. Uncountable failures stem directly from underconfidence. By pretending an unappealing situation does not exist, we condition those who constitute it to accept the change we wish to create."
To me this makes a lot of sense, it's basically a philosophy I've followed most of my life. Most of the time I'm entirely unqualified for what I undertake, but I do it anyway.

But what gets me, is that we all have a vision, this "audacity", of how we want to live our lives and make choices accordingly, and we expect our choices to be the "best" and we expect other's to recognize our choices are the "best". Okay, I'm not sure if I'm making sense or not, but the bottom line is we REALLY don't know if "our choices" are the "best". Yes, I've been watching a little too much of "The Wire" and it's seeping into my head. It seems like the best any of us can do it to recognize we don't know, and go from there. I'm off to a film conference this weekend to practice this "audacity".

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