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May 01, 2009

Times are a Changing

"Take gay marriage, legal in Massachusetts, Connecticut and now Iowa, with Vermont coming aboard in September. At its low, in 2004, just 32 percent of Americans favored gay marriage, with 62 percent opposed. Now 49 percent support it versus 46 percent opposed -- the first time in ABC/Post polls that supporters have outnumbered opponents."

"Moreover, the number of Americans "strongly" opposed has declined from 51 percent to 39 percent, while the number strongly in favor of gay marriage has advanced from 24 percent to 31 percent."

Plus changing views on legalizing marijuana, immigration and gun control.

(Via ABC News Poll )

"Although public opinion has not shifted much in the past couple of years, gays can expect to add to their gains. Young Americans are much more laid-back than their elders: those aged 18-34 are twice as likely to support gay marriage as those over 65. They are also twice as likely to have a close gay friend or family member. Familiarity breeds tolerance, which makes it easier for gays to come out."

(Via Economist)

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