Collect Experiences. Not Things. :')

June 01, 2009

New Project: Watch All of Federico Fellini's Films

I've had this on my things-to-do list for sometime now. I also started reading "Fellini's Films" by Frank Burke and "Comments on Film" by Federico Fellini. My goal is to finish the list below by July 7th when classes start.

1950 Variety Lights
1952 The White Sheik
1953 I Vitelloni
1954 La Strada
1955 The Swindle
1957 Night of Cabria
1960 La Dolce Vita
1962 Broccaccio
1963 8 1/2
1965 Juliet of the Spirits
1969 Fellini Satyricon
1972 Fellini's Roma
1974 Amarcord
1979 Orchestra Rehearsal
1980 City of Women
1984 And the Ship Sails On
1985 Ginger and Fred
1987 Intervista

After I'm finished with these films, Kurosawa's films are next in my Netfix list.

Some years back, I watched all films made by Stanley Kubrick, Woody Allen, Francois Truffaut, Ang Lee, and Alexander Payne.


Unknown said...

Have you seen Oci Ciornie (English title Dark Eyes) not a Fellinin movie but when I saw your list I was reminded of the wonderful Marcello Mastroianni.

Also another one I loved way back when with Mastroianni is Maccheroni (English title Maccaroni)

Mike said...

Nope haven't heard of them. I'll look them up on Netflix and add them to my queue.

I'm about half way through the Fellini's list - just finished the bonus DVD for 8 1/2.

And you're probably going to laugh but I've been watching them all without sound. I find that sound distracts from his images.

The composition and movement in every individual image is amazing.