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August 04, 2009

Political Party Affiliation: 30 States Blue, 4 Red in '09

Bush has really decimated the Republican party. Nobody wants to be a Republican these days. It seems like it becoming the party of old, racist, white men. Republicans have to do something to reinvent itself. I'd say focus on taxes and spending, but Obama has given a huge tax cut to the middle class. Republicans are desperately trying to portray Obama as a spender based on the huge federal deficit. But as the economy turns around, so will the national coffers. Huge killings are being made in the stock market this year, which means greater tax revenue next year. Republicans could jump on social conservative, but there doesn't seem to be many left except gay marriage and abortion. And with the majority of youth rejecting religion and supporting gay marriage, this doesn't seem it's a viable avenue for the Repubs. But even with that said, give the Dems 12 years to screw things up and the Repubs will be back on top.
Gallup Poll

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