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September 30, 2009

The GOP Health Care Plan

I really don't care one way or another whether Obama's health care plan passes or not. Personally, I don't have a health insurance, but if Obama's plan does pass I'll have to purchase it, which is a bummer (even though possibly beneficial in the long run).

Currently, I exercise regularly and eat properly, and almost never get sick. And when I do get sick and visit a doctor, I pay for it out of pocket (of course, barring any serious injuries or illness).

I've looked into health insurance, but the cost per year would be about 10 times what I currently pay my health care providers. I feel like I'd be subsidizing all the unhealthy people who don't eat right or exercise, which results in high blood pressure, heart disease, diabetes, etc. Personally, I'd like to see health insurance risk rated similar to car insurance, I'm be more apt to purchase for it.

But even with that said, the GOP is FURIOUS at the Democrat Congressman in the video. This seems to be the GOP's modus operandi these days: scream and shout and criticize, but don't offer an alternative.

What is the GOP's alternative to Obama's proposed health care plan? Do nothing? The GOP is becoming the party of old, white, Christian, knuckle-dragging, neanderthal men that are afraid of change. All change seems to be bad to them and confronted with great opposition. But then again, I guess most humans find change frightening, especially if one doesn't educate one's self. And the easiest thing to do is vehemently reject it. Change can be scary.

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