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September 02, 2009

Rachel Maddow vs. Tom Ridge

I'm no huge fan of Rachel Maddow. Basically, she and Keith Olbermann are the lefts version of Bill O'Reilly and Shawn Hannity.

They all preach to their choirs and don't necessarily stimulate thought, but in this clip Maddow has a point.

Even if Bush/Cheney were sincere about their motives to go to war. They got it WRONG. Opps, we kill 4000 Americans, hundreds of thousand of Iraqis, and destroyed a country, but it was only a small country. So what? We'll do better next time.

Why should Americans trust Republicans on nation security again?

According to Tom Ridge's rational: an "upstanding" citizen that suspects a random stranger to be a terrorist has the right to kill the random stranger. And if the random stranger is not a terrorist, the "upstanding" citizen should not be punished, because he did it in good faith.

This rational doesn't make sense.

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