Collect Experiences. Not Things. :')

December 12, 2009

Facebook is Weird

... or maybe it my life and my friends. They consists of:

Arabs (living in the Middle East) /Jews (living in Israel)

Blue Collar/ Renters

Transgender Wanta-bes

International/ Yuppie/Lesbians living in NYC

Republicans (2)

Friends living in England, Ireland, India, etc.

Mentally Ill Friends/ Rising Families

Kids of Friends

Friends who I haven't spoken with in over 10 years.

People who still believe in God

Friends who roam the world for a living.

And it's only from my view that I can see friends post anti-Israel rhetoric, and other friends post pro-Israel propaganda. Or other friends posting gay right and pro-gay marriage supports, while other friends posting pro-Sarah Palin and anti-abortion support.

Why do I know these people? Why do they have such diverse opinions?

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