Collect Experiences. Not Things. :')

April 10, 2010

Caption This

via Joe.My.God

"Open your mouth like this sugar"

"Fresh meat" ¡Carne fresca!

For me? It's not even my birthday!

Your sacrifice pleases me.

Do you have a little brother??

It's really amazes me how many crimes of molestation, lying, sexual abuse, and stealing that clergy take part in every week This Week in Holy Crimes. I don't understand what people see in these creeps. If you want to read the bible read it. Why join a Church just to have these creeps read it to you? It doesn't make sense.

I understand back in the day, when many people were illiterate, the church used it power to create fear. But today, most people can read. Why is it necessary to have clergy read the bible and tell you what it says?

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