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May 19, 2010

The New Poor

Per the NYT: hordes of older workers that have not learned new skills are being left behind. They are unemployable and becoming the new poor. And I'm guessing many of them are teabaggers (i.e. racist, uneducated, lazy, overweight, etc.). It's sad. These people are bound to become more angry and resentful as opportunities pass them by.
Millions of workers who have already been unemployed for months, if not years, will most likely remain that way even as the overall job market continues to improve, economists say. The occupations they worked in, and the skills they currently possess, are never coming back in style. And the demand for new types of skills moves a lot more quickly than workers — especially older and less mobile workers — are able to retrain and gain those skills.

There is no easy policy solution for helping the people left behind. The usual unemployment measures — like jobless benefits and food stamps — can serve as temporary palliatives, but they cannot make workers’ skills relevant again.


Anonymous said...

10 % Fabricated Correction

Anonymous said...

I'd say 90 % Fabricated Correction. And it's mostly blah, blah, blah. I'm fascinated how the liberal press (or MSM) portrays (demonizes) the teabaggers. Albeit, there's a hint of true in their demonization, which makes it even more amusing.

The one thing the teabagger's have got right. Is that there is too much government spending. America needs to cut it's debt. Military and social benefit spending needs to be cut drastically.