Collect Experiences. Not Things. :')

June 05, 2010

Count Down

My three biggest changes: corporate attire, a regular hair cut at a barber shop, and the gym.

In reverse order, during the past five years my schedule allowed me to frequent the gym during off peak hours. Upon starting my new job, my gym visits are limited to before or after work, during peak hours. Not sure, which will work out better. But I'm determined not to gain back the "working-in-an-office" weight that once adorned around my midsection. I purchased a scale and plan to step on it each and every morning, and eat accordingly. I was about 25 lbs. heavier when I left work in 2005.

Yeap, a haircut every two weeks in a barber shop, that's my goal. At Cornell, I learned to cut my own hair, which I did - successfully and unsuccessfully - for almost 15 years. I paid a barber a cent while living in DC. I cut my hair myself. Prior to my first interview a couple months back, I visited the Ecuadorian barber on the corner of my multi-cultural block. Nice guy. I almost look presentable again.

And lastly, the dress code at my new job is corporate attire, except during the summer when it is business casual. I dry cleaned all my dress pants and purchased 10 new dress shirts, 10 new ties, new t-shirts, underwear, etc. At the end of summer, I expect to purchase a few more new suits. I can't believe I'll be wearing a suit and tie everyday to work again. I also plan to walk to work. It's only a mile from where I'll be living. Google says 25 minutes.

Who knows, I might even start carrying a wallet again…..

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