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June 19, 2010

"Did Someone Order Eight Jews?"

The Daily Show With Jon StewartMon - Thurs 11p / 10c
Jonah Hill
Daily Show Full EpisodesPolitical HumorTea Party

Since last October, when I kinda started thinking about getting a job, my interest in films waned. Granted, I was mostly watching depressing, foreign, realism flicks like "Turtles Can Fly" and "The Song of Sparrows" at home. The former is about a Kurdish kid living in Iraq under Sadam Hussein before the Americans arrived and destroyed the country. And the latter is about an Iranian farm hand, who gets fired from his job after an ostrich escapes from the farm. And believe it or not, but Iranian filmmakers are at the top of their game, American Independent filmmakers are not. Granted I like foreign films, but my true intrigue with film definitely derived from American Independent Films like "Clerks", "Brothers McMullen", "Annie Hall", etc.

Someday good American Independent Films may return, but I doubt it. People under the age 30 don't watch Independent Films. They're busy texting and chatting on their IPhones, surfing the web or playing video games. And if they do view a film it's an "event" movie or Hollywood blockbuster with lots of special effects and pop songs. American Independent Films have clearly declined from their pinnacle in the early 90's and have opened art house theaters once again to foreign films, like in the 60's and 70's.

Another reason my interest in film has waned, I'm coming to realize, is that I stopped watching films in theaters. There are no good theaters in Newark. However, after this past week, I popped into the theater after work, located in none-the-less a mall and checkout out "Getting Him to the Greek". While it was not as good as "SuperBad (my recent favorite movie) and "Hangover" it was good. I laughed. And so did the couple seated behind me. Watching Iranian loosing-their-job flicks on my 1990's box TV in my apartment clearly isn't the same as watching a film in a dark theater with an audience.

I have three other scripts outlined. They are all much more commercial than the previous scripts I wrote. Who knows maybe in my spare time, I'll start writing again, it's nice to have a dream, but first I need to get up to speed at work and make a good impression. Things are going well at work, very well. I hope it lasts. When things are well in my life I have no desire to drink.Prior to Memorial Day, while job searching, I was downing a 40 a day. Since Memorial Day, I've only had two beers.

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