Collect Experiences. Not Things. :')

September 25, 2010

When did TV become better than Films?

I saw a bunch of movies this summer: "Inception" (not as good as the hype), "Salt" (much better than expected), "Eat, Pray Love" (I like, because I like traveling and learning about the world), "Toy Story 3" (best movie of the summer), "The Kids are All Right" (Annett Benning is such an great actress). The movies were alright but not as good as some of the TV shows I've been watching.

In 2006, I turned off my cable because of my addition to channel surfing. I'd started to find myself spending hours flipping through channels, not really watching anything, just passing time. Instead, now I rent whole series from Netflix. My biggest addictions:

"Modern Family" Hilarious. I often find myself laughing out loud.

"Gossip Girl": Its like "Dallas" for the teen set. Excellent writing that spoofs the class system in American that technically is not supposed to exist in American. Blair is my favorite character. She's so clueless.

British version of "Skins": So good. Too good. Not enough. Why is British TV so superior to American TV anyway? The show's in English, but I watch it with subtitles. MTV is making the American version of the show. I'm sure it will suck. Like the American version of "The Office".

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