Collect Experiences. Not Things. :')

October 10, 2010

No Tough Love Anymore?

So many lower class American parents seem to focus their kid's interests on sports, TV, junk food and religion, without regards to reading, learning, and exploring, in an effort that their children have the same values as they do. My eyes were opened this summer observing to my co-workers (mostly Asian immigrants and about 80%+ with a Masters Degree or higher) focus their children's interest on math, creative writing, technology and science, whether is be summer camps or classes.

Yes, it important for children to be physically active, but it's probably more important for them to be mentally active in todays world. Sports, TV, junk food and religion are all repetitive activities with low levels of metal stimulation, not necessarily the skills children need to be productive, creative professionals, entrepreneurs and leaders of tomorrow. Clearly, my co-workers are preparing their kids differently for the 21 century, while teabagger families become outraged that the U.S. is loosing jobs and China is taking over the world. I no longer wonder why.

The U.S. has been built on the back of immigrants for generations, or more precisely 234 years. I've come to believe its the people who are born on U.S. soil that are the lazy complainers that are holding the country back. They generally tend to be focused on professional sports, TV, junk food and religion. Maybe we should be exporting U.S. citizens and importing immigrants. Immigrants who want to educate themselves and to become intelligent, productive, hard working, creative citizens. Not leaches who sit home for five years doing nothing, like myself.

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