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January 11, 2011

Waiting For Obama

Everybody seems to be waiting for what Obama will say in Arizona today. The viral hatred on the internet of left vs. right has been rabid. The left blaming the right, the right blaming the left. It's been crazy. Obama has a chance to smooth the waters and outline a new agenda for the next two years. Let see if he can do it? I doubt it. The bi-partisan hatred and name-calling seems to be apart of the political agenda today, propelled by the internet. Prior to the internet, all their was, was the network news. The public was observers. It they wanted to comment, they'd have to do it locally. Today, anybody with an internet connections can get into the action. And as FOX news has discovered, hatred and fear generates a lot of money. People are by nature fearful and are willing to watch a network that confirms their fears. Similarly, the churches have been pedaling fear for years. Now the corporate world want some of that fear. And look how much wealth they accumulated. I expect it to be a great speak today, but it won't change anything.

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