Collect Experiences. Not Things. :')

November 22, 2010

Day 2 - Moscow

The next morning we found a classic coffee shop near the hostel for breakfast. After which we visited the Moscow Museum of Modern Art. If you're not into art or exploring new ideas and concepts, the exhibits below would come off a stupid, dumb and weird, but I'm fascinated by this stuff. It makes me think and realize how stupid, dumb and weird the world is.

Still modern, from the outside. My nephew, Alex.

Upon existing the museum we stumbled upon Upper St. Peter's Monastery and checked out the cool architect.

Later in the day we visited the State History Museum back on Red Square. It was after visiting the museum, that I learned from the airport's baggage claim that we would not be receiving our luggage until Wednesday. It was Monday, so this meant two or more days of no luggage, because we were leaving that night on the overnight train to St. Petersburg. I was livid. United Airline sucks!

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