Collect Experiences. Not Things. :')

November 24, 2010

Day 4 - St. Petersburg

Yes, another another day and another museum, the Russian Museum , this time. There are lots of museum in Russia, in case you haven't noticed. And today it was very cold and snow was falling. In the summer, I believe you can take boat rides in the canals throughout St. Petersburg, but it clearly wasn’t summer.

I was becoming more and more fond of Russian cuisine, especially the borschts, pancakes, mushroom raviolis, and hotdogs baked in a bun. The only place in the U.S. that I can recall eating authentic Russian food was in Brighton Beach, Brooklyn, near Coney Island. Otherwise, there really aren't a lot of Russian food readily available.

In the evening, we headed to the Mariisky Theatre to watch “Swan Lake”. I purchase tickets ahead of time, but was a little skeptical about whether I would like it or not. And I must say I enjoyed it. I’m not a huge fan of cultured performing arts like ballets, classical music, operas, etc. because they are elitist, but when in Russia do was the Russians do. “Swan Lake” originally debuted in Russia back in 1875.

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