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September 04, 2018

Juba - City Tour - Day 1

The US government discouraged visit to South Sudan, but I decided to visit anyway.  It was a bit strange visiting a country that was in the process of signing a peace agreement to put an end to their five year civil war.  It seemed like everybody was trying hard to live up to their end of the peace agreement.

The following was posted on Wikitravel:

WARNING: All travel to South Sudan is strongly discouraged, with independent travel being nearly suicidal. Armed conflict is ongoing and violent crime, such as carjackings, shootings, ambushes, assaults, robberies, and kidnappings is common throughout South Sudan, including Juba. US Embassy staff are under a strict curfew, travel in armored vehicles, and are not allowed on the streets alone at any time. Those already in country are advised to leave as soon as it is safe to do so (written: May 2018).

City water being from the White Nile.

Concertina wire surrounding most of the fences. 

White Nile 

Villages near town.

The road were decent in the city.  The mountains were far from the city either. 

Small Muslim Presence

The city clearly has a water issue.

My driver's boss's company.  I spoke to him briefly about building a company while a civil occurring.   It started to become clear he was just an opportunist.  I can't be sure, but I'd speculate he was generating lots of income during the civil war especially from International Aid Agencies, UN, etc.

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