Collect Experiences. Not Things. :')

September 10, 2018

Xiáhé -> Lánzhōn -> Zhānhyè

The Labrang Monastery is home to six monastic colleges, exploring esoteric Buddhism, theology, medicine, astrology and law which are surrounded by 3 km of prayer wheels. Many of the chapels are illuminated in a yellow glow by yak-butter lamps, their strong-smelling fuel scooped out from voluminous tubs. At its peak, Labrang housed nearly 4000 monks, but their ranks greatly declined during the Cultural Revolution.

 In the evening, we returned to Lanzhou to catch the evening bullet to train to Zhānhyè. We arrived at Zhānhyè at 11pm and learned we would have to awake before sunrise. A true power trip!

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