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November 23, 2018

Other Random Information about Myanmar

Myanmar is pronounced myan-MAR

Hello - min-ga-la-ba
Thank You - cè-zù tin-ba-deh
Longyi - Myanmar version of sarong
Kyat - Myanmar currency (pronounced “chyat”)

Aung San, father of the current leader, Aung San Suu Kyi (“the lady” as our tour guide referred to her) was assassinated together with six of his cabinet members on 19 July 1947. xxxx The country was under communist rule by Ne Win from 1962 to 1988.

Majority of the population in Myanmar are Theravada Buddhist.

Apparently, genocide is occurring in Myanmar against the Rohingya Muslim population in the northwest region close to the Bangladesh border per the world media. People in the tour group asked our tour guide about the genocide, but he didn’t have much of a response. Even though he is a Myanmar citizen his access to the news in the region in question is limited.

Tourist boycott was lifted in 2010.

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