Collect Experiences. Not Things. :')

October 07, 2019

Plugat Hakotel Museum

An interesting museum "Eighty years after it was shut down by the British Mandate, the House of the Western Wall Platoon reopened! Prepare for an exciting and experiential journey, accompanied by a historical drama about the structure. The exceptional house, which tells an extraordinary Jewish-Zionist story, is open to the general public and visitors, initiated by the Betar World Movement. The museum, located in the heart of the Jewish Quarter will tell, for the first time, from beginning to end, the story of the Western Wall platoon. The company consisted of young members of the Betar movement who protected the Old City as a counterweight to British restrictions on Jewish existence at the Western Wall. The story of their heroism focuses on the same structure that served them as a residence."

I probably wouldn't have visited this musuem on my own volition, but Zev, a friend who I met on my Pakistan and Tajikistan trip, mention it and mentioned that his grandfather donated to the creation of it, so I stopped by for a a visit, since I was in the neighborhood.  It's more like a small film gallery than a museum, tbh.

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