Collect Experiences. Not Things. :')

October 27, 2019

Sur Bioko Island Tour

Tourist options are very limited in Equatorial Guinea. It seemed like most English-speaking tours are focused on oil company employees, based on the price of the tours, but not the quality of the tour. I paid US$450 for the 6-hour tour, the car over heated, and the driver seemed hungover. In the morning, he was excessively talkative, and, in the afternoon, he struggled to stay awake while driving, stopping to wash his face with cold water periodically. And like any place with few tourist, the tour and activity options are limited.

 Alternatively, I feel that if I searched for other tour options properly while I Malabo, I could have found a cheaper tour, but most likely the driver would not have spoken English and there would be a lot of uncertainty associated with this option.

Coastal Palms

Road to the southern tip of Bioko

This southern coastal village, San Antonio de Urea, receives a record-breaking 35 feet (10,450mm) of rainfall per year, making it the wettest place in Africa and one of the wettest in the world. 

Lunch in Lubá 

The village of Batete, called Maria Cristina by the Spaniards. Its main attraction is a church that dominates the region, but it really isn't that impressive. 

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