Collect Experiences. Not Things. :')

August 31, 2011

Relative Unemployment

This chart always grounds me. Many people are oblivious to how significant the current economic turn down, especially how it relates to unemployment and in comparison to all other recessions since WWII. This turn down is major. It's the GREAT RECESSION.

August 30, 2011

August 28, 2011

Norway, Greenland, Iceland

Gonna be nice to get away. Leaving Thursday!! And I can't wait. I'll probably not post most while on vacation. I'll be on a ship with limited internet access. But afterwards, I'll certainly post.

Trip Highlights: polar bears, arctic wildlife, kayaking along the coast of Greenland, lot of wilderness, interesting people, nature lectures.

Trip Details Here .

Not sure if the Aconcagua trip is gonna occur later this year. Work's sucking the life out of my adventurous nature and not sure if work will allow me three weeks off without internet connection. "Emotive Sadness Face".

Guaranteed Racism

It's starting already, 2012 Presidential election will be the racist national election EVAH! Get ready!!

August 16, 2011

My Life Is Officially Boring!

When I'm officially bored, I look through the pictures on this blog, and recall my life was interesting and fun once upon a time. Now I'm making lots more money and I'm bored and miserable. Hey but at least I have money!


1) Purchase a new Toyota Prius. New wheels! Nice after driving my 1996 Altima for hundreds of years.

2) Drinking more hard liquor. Don't have to get up in the middle of the night and pee as much.

3) Stuck in a corporate employ transfer contract. It's making my life miserable.

4) Awesome housemates in CT, couldn't ask for better; totally cool, friendly, polite, interesting.

5) My Arctic trip to Norway, Greenland, and Iceland (again) is approaching in early September. 2 wk vaca!!

6) I have A LOT to say about the economy, stock market and 2012 presidential election, but I'm alway too tired to post.

August 14, 2011

August 01, 2011

Obama: We Have A Deal On the Table

Basically, Obama has shifted to the center with this deal. Basically, where he needs to be for the next election. Independent are glad he compromised. Democratic voter are furious that he didn't push for a tax increase for the wealthy. Establishment Republicans are ecstatic they got almost exactly what they wanted. Tea Party Republicans portrayed themselves as kooks, willing to let the country default, if they had it their way.

Not sure what the voting out come will be today and tomorrow, but I'm sure it will be dramatic. The House needs some of Nancy Pelosi Democratic members to pass the bill I sure, just how many nobody knows yet, I'm guessing. Boehner has shot himself in the foot. The tea party has him in their back pocket. This should be interesting now, since he'll now need the Democrats to pass his bill. Very interesting drama in Washington these last two weeks. But no one will know who really won until the next election.