Collect Experiences. Not Things. :')

May 29, 2008

Memorial Day Weekend

Yes, I do have friends...old friends and new friends. The old friends* are from my undergrad days at Rutgers. The new friends are their progeny. For our annual get together, we congregated at Eric and Stacey's house in CT for the M-day weekend. In order to preserve my eccentricity, I camped in the yard, while the families overnighted in the house. Who wants to sleep in a house with 10 kids, anyway? The weather was great, as was the food, and company. Weekend highlights were staying behind at the house relaxing while all the families went to the park to do "activities" on Saturday morning, hanging out by the campfire after dark imbibing, and playing "manhunt" and badminton with the kids.

*SITCOM friends (Single Income, Two Kids, Oppressive Mortgage).

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