Collect Experiences. Not Things. :')

August 26, 2008

Another Internship

It's going to be me and the 20 year olds again. I start another internship tomorrow on the feature film "Handsome Harry".

It's an independent feature from acclaimed director Bette Gordon (Luminous Motion, Variety), is in pre-production and will commence principal photography in mid-September. Handsome Harry is being produced by Jamin O’Brien (Just Like the Son, Into the Blue) and executive produced by Fred Berner (Pollock, Vanya on 42nd Street, Law & Order).

The film features a stunning award-winning cast centered around Jamey Sheridan (Ice Storm, Law & Order), Steve Buscemi (Fargo, Pulp Fiction & Armageddon), Campbell Scott (Rodger Dodger, Music & Lyrics) and Titus Welliver (Gone Baby Gone, Deadwood). Todd Thaler (The Professional, Little Children) is the casting director.

Synopsis: Handsome Harry is a unique character driven story about a man confronting his past secrets and finding his true identity, through the investigations of a crime committed thirty years prior. Handsome Harry is a love story intertwined with past reflections, dying friends, painful memories.

Hopefully, I won't be fired on the first day. I'm starting to sensor my comments.

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