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August 02, 2008

Barack Obama on Britney Spears and Paris Hilton

Washington Post
writes "By featuring Paris Hilton and Britney Spears in an attack ad against Barack Obama, the senator from Arizona has risked charges of silliness to draw attention to his frequently overshadowed campaign."

The ad makes McCain appear REALLY desperate.

Similarly, McCain's campaign is trying to portray Obama as an elitist and out-of-touch with the people.

How is Obama an elitist? He was raised by a single mother, put himself through college, and earned a living as a community activist in the Southside slums of Chicago. Granted Obama is wealthy. He earned his wealth from the sales of his books and his wife's salary.

On the other hand, McCain dumped his first wife after returning for Vietnam as a P.O.W., aquired millions by marring a trophy wife/beer distributor heiress, wears $500 shoes, and owns 8 or 9 houses along with his wife.

It's going to be really hard to portray Obama as an elistist.

National polls indicate November to be a tight race based on the popular vote, but the POTUS is not elected by popular vote, he (she) is elected by electoral vote. And the electoral vote count via a summary of ALL state polls has Obama at 352 vs. McCain at 186.

A candidate needs 270 to win. Bush beat Kerry by 286 to 251 in 2004.

Obama's electoral votes have been growing weekly. If he receives 370 electoral votes, it's considered a landslide. It beginning to look like a landslide is possible.

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