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August 18, 2008

Obama Is In Big Trouble

It’s becoming more and more apparent that Obama will lose the November election.

McCain’s campaign has gone negative and on the offensive. Obama refuses to go negative. If he doesn’t, he’s going to lose in the fall, it’s that simple. And it will be his fault.

All Obama has to do is show a little gumption, get pissed off, tell a few misleading facts, lie. All politicians lie. Why does Obama think he’s above telling a few misleading lies? Clinton did it (Monica Lewinsky). W. Bush did it (Iraq War). We live in a culture of lies. Lies don’t have the social stigma they once did. George W. Bush got re-elected based on lies. As a culture we hear so many lies everyday, that we don’t care anymore.

This is one of the best NYTimes Op-ed pieces I’ve read in a long time. It describes how, even though the human brain knows something is a lie, the human brain will tends to overlook the fact that it’s a lie, if the lie reinforces beliefs already held.

About six months ago, I thought it was impossible for Obama to lose the election. I don't anymore.

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