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September 03, 2009

The Concept of "One World"

I found this pledge on a conservative blog. The author of the blog was appalled that this pledge was hanging in a second grade US classroom. After traveling, I've come to realize that regardless of race, nationality and learned beliefs, humans on this planet are biologically and basically the same. Almost every human wants to be happy, feel useful, be loved, to love, to raise their family, to provide for their self and their family, etc. It's the governments and people in power that want to divide humans into "countries" according to "borders" to maintain their power. The same goes for religion. It is 100% "learned", preys on the uneducated and ignorant, and is basically used to divide.

In the future, the concept of "one world" will undoubtedly prevail. Just because a person lives in a particular country and/or has difference beliefs, doesn't make them the "enemy". Much of their beliefs are learned, as are ours. As the world becomes "smaller", these beliefs will undoubtedly homogenize.

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