Collect Experiences. Not Things. :')

January 31, 2011

Last Weekend


6:00 While drinking my morning coffee, I create a "Things to Do List". On the list: organize Russia pictures and post on blog, return an email to a friend (including movie recommendations), blog about movies I saw recently, decide on my travel plans for 2011 (I just got my year end bonus), shop downtown Newark for sweatpants and birthday card, watch two Netflick movies "Lebanon" and "Freakanomics", grocery shop, hit the gym, do "work" work from home, program in SAS and review data.

7:30 Head to the grocery store before the Saturday crowds. The cashier are poised at their registers in preparations for the crowds. I quickly purchase cereal (Raisin Brand and Frosted Flakes - on sale, of course), Portuguese rolls, vegetables, and string cheese.

9:00 Off to the Gym. Jogging or elliptical? Can't decide. Finding the energy, I decided on jogging and jog for 20 minutes until I'm exhausted. I switched to the elliptical for the balance of the hour. I always feel better after exercising and it discourages winter poundage.

11:15 I sit in front of my computer again and surf my normal sites; NYTimes, financial blogs, Huffington Post, Drudge Report, TownHall, etc.

12:00 Starting to get tired. Should I sleep? No. I review my "Things to Do" list. Cross off grocery shopping and gym. Decide to make soup. While making soup, I notice an open wine bottle and pour a pint glass of wine. I move to the living room, start watching a DVD. Drink. Eat. Fall asleep. Wake. Start movie again. Sleep. Wake up. Eject movie. I'm not following it and It doesn't make sense. Start "Freakanomics", I loved the book. Unfortunately, the movie was exactly the same. Turn it off.

2:30 Return to my computer. Listen to and download some free music. Recall hearing "Cards to Your Heart" by Groove Armada during the week. Check it out on iTunes. Buy it. Then listen to a few track of "Diamond Rings" by Special Affections. I also buy it, partially to help out a struggling new artist. I'm not inclined to purchase music when so much good free stuff is available online for download for free, but today I made an exception.

4:00 Walk downtown, purchase a birthday card and two pairs of sweat pants. Buy grilled lamb and fried plantains from Mimi's West African Restaurant. Take it home. Eat it with lots of hot sauce.

7:30 Power on my work computer. Organize some "work" work. Run some SAS programs. Review some of the outputs. Realize the current economic turn down has been a boon to risk analyst like myself, lots of default data to analyze and some interesting trends arising. Cool stuff.

9:00 Drink some more wine. Power off work computer. Switch over to personal computer and watch x-tube.

10:30 Go to bed.


6:30 Wake up. Sit at computer. Write about the movies I've seen recently at the theater, post on blog, and then start to research vacations for 2011. Send out a bunch of inquiry emails.

8:30 Eat cereal. Read news, finance, and political blogs. Write about the vacations I'm considering and post excerpts on blog.

9:30 Gym. Run for 45 minutes, five miles. Shower.

11:30 Start work computer, do "work" work. In between SAS runs, cook sausages. Smother them with mustard, and eat them on a Portuguese roll. For dessert, I chomp on the string cheese.

5:00 Bored. Review "Things to Do" list. Don't feel like labeling Russia pics. Add do taxes, get haircut, purchase a new hat, and stop at hardware store to my "Things to Do" list. Surf the web. Read MORE news, finance and political blogs. Online watch an episode of "Gossip Girls" and then one of "Modern Family".

7:00 Start preparing the apartment for lock down and pack for Stanford.

7:30 Drive to Sanford. Organize work stuff for the next day. Chat with housemates. Watch a few SNL clips on

9:30 Go to bed.


5:00 Wake up and realize the weekend has passed. And I never labeled the Russian pics. Damn!

Monday at work, I think about all the people that have significant others, committed relationships, children, homes, real responsibility, miscellaneous commitments, etc. I can't phantom it. I love my "ME" weekends. ME. ME. ME. I love being in my head and entertaining myself.

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