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January 30, 2011


Jamie Radtke, the leader of the Virginia Tea Party Patriots who recently announced she will run for U.S. Senate in the state's 2012 match-up, delivered a blow to the Republican party when she spoke at the first Senate Tea Party Caucus meeting, according to the National Journal.

"The Tea Party movement would not exist today if the Republicans had not failed under the Bush years," she said, adding that if elected in the next election cycle she would join the political affinity group recently established by Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.).
W. Bush and the Republican Party ran under the banner of smaller government and less spending. Spending increase dramatically under W. Bush (but not as much under Obama), especially when accounting for the UNNECESSARY war in Iraq. Obama never said he would cut spending W. did.

Greenspan, W. Bush and the Republican Party promoted less regulation and we got less regulation. And because of less regulation we got a housing bubble. Banks continued to lend to uncreditworthy borrower which in turn inflated real estate values and regulators allowed it to happen. Imagine if the administration appointed regulators that actually regulated the banks? The financial crisis wouldn't have occurred. Greenspan should get most of the blame, but Bernanke should have seen the and done something about the bubble too.

Teabaggers are attacking the G.O.P. They made a list of G.O.P.ers that they want to unseat in 2012. This in only good news for the Democrats, especially at the Senate level. Teabagger's candidates are typically too conservative to win the general election. For example, Harry Reid should have lost his seat in Nevada, but he didn't, thanks to the Teabaggers.

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