Collect Experiences. Not Things. :')

January 24, 2018

Du Bois Memorial Centre

A perfect example of how traveling broadens your horizons and educates you.  I've heard of W.E.B. Du Bois. His name frequently arises in African-American history, but I really didn't know a lot about him. 

Well today, I learned a lot more about him.  He was a communist/socialist and spent his last few years of his life in Ghana after being invited here by his friend, Kwame Nkrume, the President of Ghana and also a communist/socialist.  W.E.B. Du Bois eventually died in Ghana. The house where he lived is memorial center for Pan-African Culture. 

W.E.B. Du Bois' biggest claim to fame is that he was the first African-American to receive a Ph.D. degree from Harvard.  He later spend most of his life at Atlanta University as a Professor of Economics and Civil Rights Activist. 

Note to self: A few years ago, a friend asked me "why travel; because one can learn about places through reading.  There's really no need to travel". I've pondered this question frequently.  

Yes, I agree with my friend to a limited extent.  Yes, you can learn a lot from reading.  But what you learning from reading is a person(s)'s opinion or a description of a country by someone who did visit it.  Visiting a country in person provides a personal multi-dimentional experience of that country, not a flat single-dimensional view from a book.  After visiting a country, you may even disagree with what you read.  

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