Collect Experiences. Not Things. :')

January 16, 2018

Kumasi Market - Voodoo and Wildlife Artifacts

The purpose of all these items is not clear.  Some of it I suspect is used for voodoo or spells. Others items like the elephant skulls and hyena's head is potentially for collectors to purchase.  The sellers of these items didn't not appreciate me (or anybody) taking pictures.  I was yelled at numerous times and told "If your NOT interested in purchasing anything then move on. No pictures!".  Eventually, I did purchase a dried chameleon for $1. After the purchased, the vendor allowed me to take as many pictures as I desired.  

Dried Chameleons

Antelope horns. 

Elephant Sculls

Horse and cow tails used for good luck. 

Hyena Head. 

Dried bats, rats, chameleons, monkey, etc. 

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