Collect Experiences. Not Things. :')

January 15, 2018

Sawla, Ghana - Local Markets and Local Food

The entire group is divided into 5 cook groups. Every few days, it's our group's turn to  cook for the entire group, after purchasing food at an local open air market.   We must decide what to cook on the fly based on what's available what to cook.

The market also allow us to try local foods like fufu (a starchy elastic food make from ground cassava) and "goat light soup". Fufu is eaten with the fingers.  A small ball of it can be dipped into the  soup or stew.  

Locals making the fufu! 

Most of the meat is killed daily and available in open air stalls.  We purchase 3 kilos for 17 people. It's extremely tough meat. We cooked it for 1.25 hours in the pressure cooker. 

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