Collect Experiences. Not Things. :')

January 31, 2018


On the day we arrived I wasn't feeling well.  I was a bit dehydrated from the water up the waterfall the day before, I had a touch of diarrhea and a slight fever.  Instead of visiting the "voodoo" market, I checked into the hotel, sat by the pool, and played on the WiFi until bedtime.  A sleep aid helped me sleep deeply. The next morning I was fine.  However, again instead of visiting the "voodoo" market,  I hung out at at the poll for the day.  In retrospect, I kinda regret not visiting the "voodoo" market.  Note to self: don't sit in a hotel in a country in which I'll only visit once in my life.  Get out and explore!! (but the rest was well needed).

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