On the bright side, as of 19 March nobody in Niger has tested positive to Coronavirus (COVID-19) in Niger. There are no food shortages. The community remains calm but on alert. The situation can change very quickly, but for now life continues as usually except for the cancellation of schools, closing the borders, more people are wearing masks, washing/sanitizing their hands, etc. It’s still at a casual level. Conversely, many still shake hands, don’t respect the 2 meter/ 6 feet social distancing, attend the local outdoor market, eat at restaurants, etc. Some have speculated that the lack of positive Coronavirus (COVID-19) test cases is due to the extreme heat, but that is not confirmed.
I rented a private AirBnB bungalow unit in Niamey. I plan to stay here and self-isolate for the next 2 weeks. My contact with the outside would should be very limited, except when visiting the grocery or liquor store, but I plan to wash and sanitize before and after the visits. I'm looking forward to this downtime to reflect and document my last 3 years of travel. 25 March 2020 completes my 3 year of travel. I started traveling on 25 March 2017.
AirBnB Exterior
Bed and Sitting Area
Front window views.
The AirBnB compound is home to a pet menagerie (mostly birds and fowls) but also turtles, dogs, fish pond, etc. and lots of manicured gardens.
The red circles indicate number of detected coronavirus cases in each of the country as of 19 March 2020. Very few cases have been detected in Africa to date, but that does mean they will not be detected in the future.
Nearby, I found a semi-rural area amongst rice patties for my morning run. Sunrising...
Lots of fresh produce available.
Hoping for the best, preparing for the worst.
There's an outdoor gym at my AirBnB!
1 comment:
Stay Safe, and Isolate, Dad is waiting for your return so someone can finish and clean up his house.
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